I was looking back over my resolutions for 2010, and I kept ONE. I only made three, so it’s not that big of a fail. I didn’t 1) Spend more money on myself in an effort to look decent, but that was more of a I’m too lazy to go get my eyebrows waxed problem than a too afraid to spend moolah issue. I also didn’t 2) read 365 books last year. This is too bad because a few months ago I decided not to read another book until I’d finished the Bible and let’s just say I may never read another book AGAIN. Lots of words in the Bible, and small type. I wonder if I could LISTEN to the bible. Would that count? But I did accomplish at least one goal – 3)More time in the water. We bought the boat, went camping, I pulled my hamstring trying to ski and STILL ache, but I did it! MoonPie says it was one of the best things of the summer. Camping, not watching me limp around, I’m guessing.
This year I think I’ll keep it simple – WRITE more. Which means I’ll have to do something less. Bridge? Tennis? Hanging with friends? Exercise? Yeah, that’s going to be a real tough decision.
JD and I will be braving the cold air of my living room while we watch the ball drop somewhere via the television and I drink a cheap glass of wine. MoonPie will be sleeping and dreaming of more exciting parents.
What will you be doing?
Here’s wishing you a HAPPY New Year! I hope 2011 is good to us all.