Miss Me, Yet?

Thanks for all of your kind words! I still don’t plan on blogging everyday here, but I will try and make an effort occasionally to say hi. You are always welcome to email or hit me on Facebook and I will give you all the recent news.

At this point I only have 3 things to tell you.

1) GO SEE JERSEY BOYS. If the production comes to a city near you, you must go! It. Was. Awesome.

2. You have to watch Duck Dynasty. This is the most entertaining show on television, bar none.

3. I posted a new recipe at www.BeginnerMeals.com, enjoy!

It’s Been Realz

Kittens, I have good news and bad news. I’ve decided to quit blogging with any regular basis at Zolligirl.

I know it’s disappointing for the four of you who actually read this blog, but the time has come for me to stop.  Moon Pie has reached an age where, for some strange reason, she doesn’t want me to tell the world about her business. Which is too bad because, Guuurl, she had some business this weekend. Of course, I could continue to blog about things that aren’t related to Moon, or JD, or any other family member, and that would be awesome cause what that leaves is BRIDGE. But since most of you don’t appreciate the awesomeness of bridge, I guess I’ll have to pass. Get it, PASS? See why that wouldn’t work.

Anyway, here’s more good news/bad news, I am still going to blog the Moron Test Kitchen! Yay. I’ve already moved most of the recipes over to the new site at www.beginnermeals.com, and I’ll finish the rest this week. So while you won’t be able to read about the day-to-day happenings at Chez Tyre, you can still learn from my awesome cooking skills.

Besides, you didn’t really want to hear another story about how Tania-the-Mad poisoned Moon Pie and made her projectile vomit for the second year in a row, now did you?