Moon Pie is away at camp this week so JD and I are living it up! We actually went inside the perimeter last night to do a little shopping. Of course we were shopping for MOON, but still. We headed to IKEA because we’ve decided that while the Moon is away, her room will get an upgrade.
First, a new bed:
It’s not exactly what she wanted, as it has a headboard, but it’s low and black so she should be happy.
We also got her new linens:
In her favorite colors, black and gray. And because she wants NO dresser and NO desk, a simple shelving unit:
The one we bought doesn’t have the doors on the bottom because that would make too much sense and Moon want’s NO clutter. Who is this kid??
We’re going to drag out her white bed, desk and drawers sometime today and then paint. She’s had the bright green room since she was a baby, but now we’re going a little more sophisticated and doing a gray.
Okay, not THAT sophisticated.
When we’re done, we’re hoping she’ll have a nice, teenage room in a gray pallet. Should anyone be concerned it’s too dark, let me remind you of the room she asked for:
Not a bad compromise, Kittens, amiright?