I think I’m a fairly simple girl. Sure I complain about my house from time to time – it’s too dark, it’s hard to clean, the closets are small – but for the most part I’m satisfied. I don’t really need anything bigger, and I’m pretty sure I’d be in trouble with a Homeowners Association if I lived in a neighborhood.
But how much is a woman supposed to endure? This morning, I packed up my laptop and headed to the basement where our office is located. Only a portion of the basement is finished. It has a playroom for MP, and an office area for me and JD. The rest is behind a door where there’s no sheet-rock and lots of junk. For the most part I stay out of it. I did, HOWEVER, go into the laundry room to iron a dress for MP before school.
So there I sat minding my business when JD went through the door to the laundry room, then quickly came back into the office.
JD: Don’t open this door!
Me: What is it? Is it a dead rat?
JD: Uh, it’s not anything DEAD.
Me, starting to panic: What is it? A opossum, a live RAT?
JD: Wait here.

No biggie, just a 3 foot snake SKIN. Found in the doorway of the laundry room where I had been IRONING.
I’m pretty sure our neighbors heard me scream. My neighbors in TENNESSEE heard me scream. And I might have stood in my chair. It’s all a blur, really.
The good news is that JD has assured me the snake is gone.
Me: I want you to move all of the furniture, every toy away from the walls and find it!
JD: Honey, it’s so darn big, we couldn’t miss it.
It doesn’t make me feel as good as you might think.
*What the Sam Hill?