My brother, AmmoGuy, said I could blog the pumpkin carving but he claimed Halloween rights. Except that I was too tired to post anything about the carving, and he forgot to take his camera along for the trick-or-treating. SO I’m blogging about Halloween, take that AmmoGuy, HAHAHAH, you LOSE. We lead full and exciting lives.
AmmoGuy preparing for the festivities. He’s very excited on the INSIDE.
MoonPie and Rimfire are spoiled. When I was growing up, we went to three houses, scored two bags of m&m’s and an apple, and called it a night. THEY had their own personal, two-hour hayride.
Rimfire is a geisha, and she LOVED the hair and makeup. Whatever, you’re getting free CANDY, let us get something out of the deal. And by “something”, I mean pictures with which to embarrass you when you’re older. Moonpie is a cat. Her first choice was a Fire-lord from the Avatar, disguised as a Keoshi Warrior. Exactly. You would have been digging out the leopard print dress too. JD actually made the ears. I gave him a piece of brown cloth, a headband, and a sewing kit – a few hours later, voila! He’s always doing stuff like that to make me look bad. Cooking, and sewing, and cleaning. Geesh! Why I put up with him, I’ll never know.
Afterward, they divided up the candy, with AmmoGuy giving a lesson on taxation by taking a few choice pieces for himself. And then everyone went home and showered because they smelled like gasoline fumes. The End.
I love a heart-warming holiday story, don’t you?