Christmas State of Mind

I start feeling the whole Christmas thing around December 22nd, and the feeling continues until the new year. One of the big reasons is that after we open our Christmas presents, and eat ourselves into a coma, we pack up and head to Zollicoffer to gather with the whole clan. This year we had the added benefit of driving through snow the entire way. After several calls to the mountaintop to see if we had a chance of making it up the road, we were told to “give it a shot.”

We made it about a third of the way and not wishing to slide OFF the mountain, called for reinforcements. Tania-the-Mad had arrived only moments before and said she’d be right down to get us. She was driving her husband’s nice 4-wheel drive truck, and since he reads this blog occasionally, perhaps I should edit the rest of this post.

Blah, blah, blah, the next thing you know, GrandPa and I were flying down in the mountain in his 4-wheeler to rescue JD and our belongings. Well, the belongings anyway. JD was left to walk. What can I tell you? Pa’s 4-wheeler was full, what with all of our stuff, me, and Freeda the dog.

I woke up to a beautiful morning on the mountain. Then work emailed me with a big project. Since my employers read my blog occasionally, perhaps I should edit the rest of this post. Blah, blah, blah, I’m sure Staples will print their order fine.

What can I tell you? The Christmas State of Mind is a bit hazy on details.

One thought on “Christmas State of Mind

  1. Wonderful Christmas on the mountain too bad that Lisa Diane and Matthan lost at all the games we play.

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