Lovely, Still (A Holy Sunday Post)

I love Netflix. One of the great things about streaming video is that I can instantly watch movies, and because I can quit easily if I don’t like something, I can try random titles. Tonight I watched Lovely, Still starring Martin Landau and Ellen Burstyn.  It was very sweet, about two elderly people who meet and fall in love. Of course, there’s a big surprise in the movie, but you’ll just have to watch and see.

All of that to say, I love elderly people. The other night we went to our local retirement community for a Christmas party. It was an upscale event, with lots of family and friends. As we were leaving, I noticed three ladies sitting together, watching the entertainment. If they had family attending, I never saw them. So I sent Rachel over. It took her all of about three seconds, and then the hugging began. I love that she is not only not afraid of seniors, but that she really digs them.

It occurs to me that a lot of elderly people may be lonely this Christmas. Look around – find someone old- reach out to them this Christmas.

And I don’t count.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Storage Wars

Storage Wars is my new obsession. If you haven’t seen it, A&E follows a group of four people as they bid on the contents of storage units. When customers stop paying the rental fee, the contents are auctioned off. The units are opened, but you can’t actually go into them, or open any boxes, so you gotta bid blind.

Last week, some dude paid $850 bucks for a unit that looked pretty bare. Then he pulled back a tarp and found a BMW! Yeah, a BMW Isetta. Now granted, it was beat up, but worth about $3000.00 dollars. The next show, he bought a unit for $250.00 and it had a miniature piano worth Twelve THOUSAND dollars.

One guy, DAVE, has a ton of money and either A) outbids everybody or B) runs up the price just to be a jerk. I don’t like him. I REALLY don’t like him. I want to rob a bank just so I can find DAVE and outbid him on a unit. I want to follow him around, buying every unit, then setting them on fire! He needs to LOSE and surely, one day he will!

It occurs to me that I live a very full and exciting life.


That sound you hear is me screaming. I mean, I KNOW Christmas is usually around this time, but I’ve been happily going along picking up a few items at a time, in no real hurry. But this is the week – the school party/brownie cookie exchange/Sunday craft week. The week that I need to buy 21 stocking stuffers, go to the post office, and stop and get the chicken nuggets for the TROOP.

Basically, it’s Christmas.

I get that I’m supposed to be focusing on Jesus. Could someone let the rest of the world know?

What Happens in Ellijay

Bridge People are Cool.

They have their own personalized toilet paper.

They use cute, bridge paper products.

They have special cards made showing the trophy.

They wear ROCKING bridge vests.

And bridge pajamas.

They create shirts with their own silly sayings.

They drink wine in the hot tub.

Cheap wine, bought solely for the name.

They keep score. Unfortunately.

They love each other, despite the score.

They’ll be friends forever.

A New Direction

My former friend, Patty, (now known as the Ellijay Open 2010 Winner), asked me to put some things on Ebay for her. One of the best things, with over 28 people watching it, is a Christian Dior cannage bag.

I know what you’re thinking. WHO is that awesome hand model??? I know it looks like I swiped an image off the Dior website, but it’s me! So I was thinking, maybe I should look into the world of hand modeling. My hands are rocking, I’ve got TWO and I really don’t use them a lot.

Then I saw this:

I think we’re all in agreement. This is TOTALLY the job for me.

The Truth

People tell you always to just “be yourself”, but it’s a lie. What you should do, is find someone cool and be like THEM. That’s my new motto – Be Someone Else – Someone Better. I’m still working on the tagline, but you get the idea. I’m starting NOW and getting a head start on the New Year’s Resolution craze. I just have to figure out WHO I should be. I have some good candidates and I’ll be putting together a list. So far it says this –

1. They don’t play bridge.

This has nothing to do with the fact that my name is not on the winner’s trophy this year. I’m just looking for a more age-appropriate hobby. Like Shuffle Board or Bingo. Or eating at Piccadilly. Anything that doesn’t involve cards.

This message brought to you by Sore Losers Anonymous.

Biggest Loser

Blogging will be light this weekend since it’s the 10th Annual Bridge Weekend! I’ll be hanging at a cabin in the North Georgia mountains, eating my weight in cheese dip and and playing cards till sunrise. But when I get back – the weight is coming OFF. A few friends of mine talked me into doing Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred. Starting Monday, we’re all going to do it, EVERY DAY, for 30 days or pay serious penance.

We’re going to force slackers to take a picture in their bathing suit and post it as their Facebook profile.

You might want to call me everyday and encourage me to workout.

If you want to join us, find the dvd over the weekend. Then send me a picture of you in your bathing suit. I won’t post it, I just want to judge you.

Have a great weekend, Kittens!

Moron Test Kitchen – Pecan Mini-Muffins

My mother-in-law sent me this recipe MONTHS ago and said I should try it because it’s so easy even a MORON could do it. Maybe not in those exact words, but I got the message. Being lazy, I totally ignored her. Then she made them over the Thanksgiving holiday and was all like, “I TOLD you they were good!” *You know how mother-in-laws are.

Begin with one cup of chopped pecans

Add one cup of firmly packed brown sugar. Ignore the specks in my sugar, I’m sure that’s the lighting.

1/2 cup of regular flour

In a separate bowl, beat two eggs until foamy. Then add 1 stick of melted butter. Blend and pour into dry ingredients. Mix well.

Coat a mini-muffin tin with with Baker’s Joy and fill each one 2/3 full. Bake at 350 degrees for 16 minutes or until brown.

Ummm. Yeah, about these muffins. I might have gotten a bit carried away and forgot to photograph the finished product.

I found this one on the internet. They looked a lot like this. At least I think so, they were gone pretty quick.

Moron Test Grade – A! These were easy and yummy.

*My mother-in-law is really awesome. I am just trying to relate, kittens!