Perfect Weekend

Kittens, I just experienced the best weekend ever. I did only one thing – write. I didn’t clean the house, or cook a meal, or go anywhere. It was heaven.

I started by taking part of the day off on Friday. While Moon was at school, and JD was running around doing errands, I moved my laptop out to the screened-in porch. I’d already printed out my entire manuscript, WITH EDITOR NOTES, so all I needed was to grab a blanket and some pillows, and I was set. I sat outside for 3 hours making revisions. Did I mention it as heaven?

On Saturday, JD dropped Moon off at the horse barn. She had volunteered to help at the horse show they were holding, and we thought it would be a good idea to let her do it alone. I’m all about empowering my daughter to be independent especially when it means I can lay on the couch in my pj’s. While she was gone, I continued my string of doing nothing except writing by sitting on the porch for another SIX hours. I know what you’re thinking. Just how bad WAS my first draft? Really bad, apparently because I still wasn’t finished.

Sunday, we all skipped church because Jesus loves us anyway and it was raining. While the rest of the family snuggled in front of the tv, I SAT ON THE PORCH AND WROTE. I’m happy to announce that after 3 days and hours and hours of revision, I’m half way done! Yay, me.

In addition to all of the awesome writing I got done, I also managed to get the stray cat that visits to eat a can of sardines. It’s not as easy as it sounds, since every time I come close, he runs and hides in the woods. A couple of weeks ago I left him some tuna, and a few days ago, he left a dead squirrel on my doorstep. We’re making progress, slow and maybe gross progress, but progress all the same.

It’s a lot like revision.

Novel Thoughts

Most of you know I’ve written a book and that last year I signed with an agent – from NEW YORK CITY. After signing me, she sent a list of suggested revisions, and I’ve spent the last few months reworking my story. I sent it off to her a couple of weeks ago and this is her response.

Hi Lisa,

Just wanted to let you know that I finally have responses from all the readers and it’s unanimous – your book is a total joy to read!  Everyone has really enjoyed it.  There are some places that need a little tightening, and some questions that I have for you, but I think you’ve done the major re-work.  So, many thanks for the good, hard work you’ve done so far.  I will have a letter detailing the remaining issues for you by end of next week.


My book is a total joy to read! Now if it were only a total joy to rewrite.

So now you know what’s happening in the exciting life of an unpublished author. Your day should go much smoother with that knowledge.

Blogging Twice

Since I am a soon-to-be-published, well-at-least-I-have-an-agent, author – I think I had better spend some time at my OTHER blog. You know, the one about writing? You can find it HERE.

Don’t bother looking now, since I haven’t written over there since May 30. Which is not really a great pace for a wanna-be author. So from now one, I’m going to write here, then there, then here, then there. And then back here. Cause what I know about writing will probably carry me through Friday.

Oh what am I saying? Not knowing anything hasn’t stopped me from writing this blog for over a year!

You Knew Me When

Are you sitting down?  Go ahead, I’ll wait. Okay, here goes – I, Zolligirl, am bona fide! Yes, Dear Readers, I have in my hot, little E-mail, an actual contract from a LITERARY AGENT! An real-live person has read my book and wants to represent me! And it’s a real person at a real agency, not some fly-by-night scam artist from Nigeria who needs to me deposit a large sum of money into their account first!

So here’s a THANK YOU to all the little people who helped me along the way.

And by “helped”, I mean provided inspiration for all my wacky characters. Expect no royalties.

Writing Update

I haven’t posted lately about my endeavors to be a PUBLISHED author, so I thought I’d give you a quick update. Where were we? Oh yeah, two agents had requested my manuscript, given it high praise, but REJECTED it. Sure they had both offered to read it again with revision, but they weren’t falling over themselves to have me sign on the dotted line. I REALLY want to sign on the dotted line!

Just as I was beginning to revise, a third agent requested the manuscript. I sent it, then decided to wait on revision. What if she likes it, but ALSO had revision ideas? So I wrote a few short stories and plotted out my second novel. When I hadn’t heard back from anyone, I figured no news was good news.

Turns out no news is just no news. I finally emailed to ask if they had read it and it seems it got LOST in the shuffle. Sigh. The good news is that they did ask for it again, so I should know something soon. AND the agent profile is very promising.

I’ll let you know when I know something. Until then, I’ll just keep plugging away at my new book. I’m actually being productive. Public School is AWESOME!

Writing Update

A few months ago an agent asked for my entire manuscript. I still have not heard from them.

Wow, that was riveting. Can I tell a story or WHAT? Because I’m on hold, I’ve stopped revising and have moved on with a new manuscript. So far, I’ve got the title and first chapter. It’s called, “A Girl’s Guide to Bass Fishing and Murder.”

You might want to pre-order now and avoid the long lines.

High Praise

Just a quick update on the writing. I know I have another blog where I’m supposed to put this, but no one ever checks there. Hey, no one ever checks HERE, but what the heck.

I got a response to a query today that I sent out SEPTEMBER 17th. I had sent them a brief synopsis and the first chapter and today they asked for the entire manuscript. Well, ACTUALLY, a reader for the agency asked for the manuscript. But here’s the totally awesome part – on the email exchange between the agency and the hired reader  – the agency wrote this:

MG but solid writing

MG means middle grade vs. young adult. And solid writing means I ROCK! I write SOLIDLY. How cool is that? Oh, what am I talking about? You’re readers, you already know this!

So, ummm…why hasn’t anyone mentioned it before??

Because I don’t have enough to do…

I started ANOTHER blog. I thought I’d separate my writing posts from my family posts in case an agent stumbled upon this blog and became frightened by my stories of vodka and large butts. You can see it HERE.

It won’t be updated everyday like this one, and will be about my humiliating attempts to make it in the publishing world, vs. my humiliating attempts at everything else. Still, between the two, I should be able to document them all.

You ARE required to visit both – I need the stats. But you are still NOT required to actually read anything I write. Since I only average about 5 comments a week, I suppose we can do without any rules governing those. Two blogs for the price of one – enjoy!