All is well in the Tyre household now that JD is home. We picked him up Friday evening and I have never been so happy to see someone. It might have had something to do with the fact that I’d just spent four hours shopping for an Easter dress with Moon. For some crazy reason, I decided to take her instead of just buying her what I liked like usual. I don’t know what I was thinking. I gave her two directives – no sequins and nothing with dogs.
“Not even DOG PAWS?”
No, not even dog paws.
1782 dresses later we finally left Justice with a pink sweater and polka dot dress. Yes, it had a sequined band around the bottom, but I you’ll be happy to know I stood FIRM on the whole dog thing.
I was probably in a bad mood because earlier in the day my tennis partner, Sharon, and I had lost AGAIN. I hate losing, but what makes it worse is that Sharon and I pray the entire time. And we STILL lose. The prayers running through my mind go like this. “Lord, let me play well. Help me serve well. Help me return this ball. Let me return some ball, at some point. Look how hateful the opponents are! Can I win a point, you know, some time today? What are you DOING up there?”
I don’t get it. Some of our opponents CUSS.
After the match, we went to Whole Foods (aka Whole Wallet) and I spent two months’ income on Vegan Pizza. Totally worth it. JD and I ate it in about three seconds on Saturday. Which is about all the time we had, since we got up, cleaned house, then watched baby Alison for a few hours. She’s actually really easy since she slept for about 3 of the 5 hours she was here. The other 2 went by in a blur of goldfish, playhouse and Berenstain Bears. She’s a very easy, almost-three year old which is not fair considering her father is Ellery and I was really hoping he’d get a hard one.
The afternoon was spent with Moon and Rimfire. Kathryn and I took them over to the Avenue for some shopping, pedicures, and dinner. It was awesome, especially the part where I accidentally spent $175.00 on a shirt and sweater. I somehow managed to not yell, “SAY WHAT?” but it’s sitting on the table ready to be returned tomorrow. Just as soon as JD has a chance to get over there – returns are for losers, amiright?
Sunday we went to church like good, Christian people and followed it up with brunch at O’Charley’s. There’s not a lot to eat that’s vegan, so I settled for soup, baked potato, and two Bloody Mary’s. They were SO good, I left wishing I’d had 4. Then we came home and I fell face down on the couch and slept for two solid hours. JD and Moon spent the afternoon doing Daddy/Daughter day since he’d been gone all week and by the time they got back I was rested and ready for the rest of the activities. Mainly that entailed putting on my pj’s and snuggling with Moon while we watched The Bible on TV.
I thought it was a good idea considering the drinking, the overspending and the hateful praying. Redemption for sinners – Happy Easter, indeed!
Sounds like a good Easter Day. Much more fun than the day granny and I had on the mountain.
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