I am boring myself. How many different ways can I say that I took Moon to school then went to work? I’m tempted to take cold medicine again just to see if anything fun happens.
While the fact that JD is away does make life a little harder, yes, dogs, I’m talking to YOU, the good news is that I don’t have to share Moon. We’ve had fun shopping, eating out, piling on the couch in our pj’s and watching hours of Disney programming, which to be honest is exactly what we do when JD is in town. But we didn’t have him hovering over us bringing snacks and folding our laundry. That’s so distracting, amiright?
I met with the Radigals today to watch a video and I actually stayed until it was over. So over I barely got to Moon’s school in time to pick her up. I wasn’t really worried. Girlfriend has my number and she’s not afraid to use it. She calls me about three times a week and asks me to bring her her homework. Which I do NOT do. More than twice a week cause that would just spoil her.
The best part of the day was the weather. It was still a tiny bit chilly but it was so beautiful.
The sun was hitting my house with such warmth I felt positively giddy. I was inspired.
Inspired to take a sideways artys phone photo, but still.
Whose house is that?