If there were Mom Olympics, I would totally have won the gold. As long as the Olympics were based on one morning every 12 years. JD was out of town last night, so it fell to me to get Moon up and going. She mentioned last night before bed that she needed some gray leggings to wear to school, and I’m not going to lie, I was a bit concerned. Mainly because finding clothing at my house means either going downstairs and digging through a pile of dirty clothes, or staying upstairs and digging through a pile of clean clothes. Lucky for her, they were UPstairs. I let her sleep in an extra thirty minutes, then put the leggings on her bed. While she got dressed, I signed her agenda, wrote her a note to excuse her absence the day before, made her lunch, and found an umbrella for her because it looked like rain. THEN I told her if she could get out the door in the next five minutes I’d take her to Burger King. We made it in four.
While we were sitting at the drive-thru window, I asked her is she still had the quarters I’d given her last week. She said yes, but she was saving them for Friday’s activities. So I dug a dollar out of my pocket and stuck it in her lunch box, “just in case”. That’s when she looked at me and said,
I like you.
Like I said, GOLD WINNER.
I think you are super mom every day. I don’t like you I love you.