From the Marietta Daily Journal,
Councilman Van Pearlberg’s latest idea to ban dogs from the Square’s Glover Park during concert nights died in committee Wednesday without much barking.
Pearlberg, who has been spotted with his 200 pound Saint Bernard on the Square from time to time, said just as the council has banned smoking from Glover Park, so too should it ban people from bringing their dogs on concert nights.
Councilman Jim King asked Pearlberg if he was concerned about the dogs smoking.
Council members Grif Chalfant, Holly Walquist and Philip Goldstein said they hadn’t noticed a dog problem. Parks Director Rich Buss said he had received no phone calls complaining about dogs in the park.
King said as it stands, dog owners are required to obey the current animal laws, which requires owners to pick up their dog’s feces.
Failing to find any support, Pearlberg withdrew his request from consideration.
“Well, you should have asked for chickens on the Square,” King said, referring to Pearlberg’s recent attempts to allow downtown residents to keep chickens in their backyards as pets.
Pearlberg vowed to continue to fight for the legalization of chickens at a future meeting.
I vow to fight for chickens, too! Finally, a cause I can really get behind. To heck with the Tea Parties, this is where the action is.
FYI – Blogging will probably be light, if at all, over the next few days. I’m going to visit MAD Tania today at her lake chateau. And she has no INTERNET. Well, she SAYS that she has no internet. It’s probably just to ensure there will be no bathing suit pictures on the web. (Pssst: Check back later, I’ll TOTALLY post them when I get back.)