This is the ballroom at the Crown Plaza Ravinia. The Labor Day Regional, you know, a BRIDGE tournament started yesterday. This is just one of the rooms, the one for all the good players. I was just passing through.
These are the boards. The cards are played, then put back EXACTLY, so that the next table plays the exact same hands. They say bridge players have fewer colds, because of all the germs they’re exposed to. ANOTHER good reason to play.
These are the bidding boxes. We can’t be bothered to actually SAY pass. We just plop the card down. Sometimes it’s a good thing, because you don’t really want to speak to your partner.
Speaking of partners, this was mine. Linda from Hilton Head. We hooked up at the Partnership Desk. When it was over, she didn’t ask for my number. Strange. The only thing missing is the score sheet. I didn’t take a picture of it, but we were 7th. Out of 8. Ha, ha you LOSERS who were 8th. We showed YOU!
Ahh, another satisfying day at the bridge table.