
My home is like the Lindsay Lohan of houses – out of control, in denial, and always claiming that “for real, THIS is the week I’ll get clean and stay clean!”

I did manage to get the Christmas tree and decorations down and put away. The Halloween pumpkin, however, is still on the porch. I keep thinking about moving it to the trash, but then something more important happens, as in ANYTHING, and I forget about it. I also manage to forget about the laundry, cooking, and basic hygiene.

Today we somehow overslept and when I rolled over, realized we had exactly 11 minutes to get out of the house if the MP was going to make it to school without another tardy. Somehow we managed. And by “somehow”, I mean I dressed MP while she was still asleep, and sent her out the door with a mental-patient hairdo, holding a bag of Entenmanns mini-muffins. She made it with seconds to spare. And that’s all that really matters, right?

Tomorrow we’re going to cram a bunch of stuff into one day because a WINTRY-MIX is coming and we must be home and in front of the fire by Sunday. I’m hoping it renders us home-bound for a least a week, no school, no leaving, no personal contact with the outside world. I’m sure THEN I’ll get the house clean. Snow is like rehab for houses, only cheaper.

One thought on “Intervention

  1. Tomorrow is always a good day to do chores and then give them a lick and a promise to do better. Don’t worry they will always be waiting no one every does them for you.

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