Moon went to her first slumber party and I’m happy to report that all went well. At least they didn’t tell me she could never come back, so we call that a win! While she was enjoying her evening, JD and I were behaving like adults and having dinner.
Well, at least we were having dinner. We went to Crepe Revolution, which was YUM. Of course, I’ve been sucking down carrot and kale juice for almost three weeks, so you might want to get a second opinion.
Saturday I locked myself in the office to get some writing done, while Moon discovered a NEW show on Netflix – Flipper.
Dolphins are awesome, but that is a seriously lame theme song. Still, Moon was enthralled long enough for me to get done with most of my edits.
At some point we all went to Old Navy, Target, WalMart, Costco, Books-A-Million and Menchies. Moon needed a new coat, some leggings, food, a book, and frozen yogurt. That was fine, but on Sunday, we made the mistake of taking her to Whole Foods. Their hot buffet included ribs, BY THE POUND. The girl could live happily on pork and boiled peanuts. I tried to interest her in some lighter food, as in lettuce, but she wasn’t having it. She DID have the vegan chocolate pudding, though. That will teach her not to read the labels.
We finished up the weekend wrapped in blankets on the couch watching Once Upon A Time.
It’s about an adopted kid who finds out his birth-mom is the daughter of Snow White and his adoptive mom is the evil queen. Moon says she can’t relate, but I’ve noticed she’s stopped eating her apples.
That was a busy week-end. You forgot about the trip to the estate sale.