Because I know people who know people, I was given 5 tickets to the Women of Faith Conference, hereafter known as the Women of Faith and that one girl Conference.
Mandisa was there. You know, MANDISA, from American Idol? She was very good.
And Steven Curtis Chapman. I kept waiting for him to call me up on stage. I guess he hasn’t heard about my Rock Band performance. He spoke about his song, Cinderella, and how it was written for his two youngest daughters. If you don’t know the story, then go read about it. It’s too sad to talk about; Zolligirl only does snarky.
One of the main speakers was a lady named Anita Renfroe. I’d never heard of her, but she sang a fun song about Mom Speak.
Other than that, I didn’t really get her. She’s supposedly a “comedian”, but all her jokes were about getting old, saggy boobs, Botox, and menopause. Uh..what’s funny about that? Not that I could relate anyway. Maybe next year I should attend the YOUNG Women of Faith Conference. IF I can find someone to drive me; my vision at night’s a little iffy.
I’ve been to WOF conferences before, but haven’t been in a while!! I always enjoyed them!!