Why So Serious?

I might have peaked with Moon’s room. It’s easier when you don’t have to find a place for the junk and can just toss it in the trash. I moved on to the spare bedroom which is where I put everything I need that doesn’t have a real place of its own. Like Moon’s schoolwork from 5th grade. And 4th. And 3rd. Also coupons from the last 11 months. It’s slow going.

I’m trying to get work/cleaning done while Moon is at art camp. It’s only a half day, but she seems to be enjoying it.

Making handles.

Why are you watching me?

Dude, seriously?

Moon’s work! I can’t wait to see the finished product. On the way home from class, I looked in the backseat and caught her smiling. As soon as she saw me watching, she replaced the smile with the typical, sullen teen look, but it was there. A smile! Summer is officially success.

And I’m going to have a bunch of new Moon things to put around the house. The spare bedroom is looking a little bare.

3 thoughts on “Why So Serious?

  1. Her work already looks better than one I have from another person. I want one of her new ones to put next to it.

  2. I likhet med Dina, se5 hukser jeg hvert eneste ett. Flotte, alle sammen. Me5nebildet her er fantastisk!Blinkskudd!Jeg hadde tenkt e5 lage en kavalkade i e5r ogse5. Har ikke gjort det ff8r.Men det endte opp med at jeg ryddet opp i bildene mine. Slettet og flyttet bilder… Organiserte mappene litt… Det var litt av en jobb, kan jeg love deg. Hehe.d8nsker deg en riktig fin nytte5rsaften og feiring pe5 denne vakre vinterdagen.Vi skal pe5 Brattholmen og feire. Vi blogges- neste e5r! 🙂

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