Weekend Roundup

Mondays are always hard, but even more so when you’ve had a fun weekend. Friday night we went to Supper Club, a once-a-month get together where we each bring a dish, have great conversation, and occasionally one or more of us drink the host out of all their good wine. It. Was. Awesome. Except for the person who now has to replenish their wine cellar.

Kathryn’s husband wasn’t feeling up to the event, so she rode with us. Do you know what too much wine will do? It will convince you that taking a selfie and sharing it on Facebook is a good idea.

Luckily, the actual image will convince you it is not.

Saturday morning I watched Baby Allison, and once again I was AGGRAVATED that AmmoGuy gets such a good kid. What happened to that whole Karma thing?? I did my best to let her do whatever she wanted, but I’m not sure my three hours was enough to spoil her. Although we did have a nice moment when I was changing her diaper and I explained that pooping was no big deal cause EVERYBODY poops, then we named all the people that poop. “What about daddy?” I asked. “Daddy POOPS!” I do what I can.

Our friend Sara was in from college for the day so we met her for lunch. She’s a sweet, 21 year old, Jesus loving girl, and I was excited for Moon and her BFF, Jemi to get to hear about what was going on in her life. At one point she told us about her new boyfriend and her first kiss. I told the girls to note that she was 21 before she started all that crazy stuff. Then I told Sara about a girl I knew who kissed her husband for the first time at the marriage ceremony. Did you hear that Moon, on her WEDDING DAY. Sara said, “Yeahhhh, I didn’t want to be THAT girl.”

Thanks for having my back, Sara!

Saturday evening, Moon and Jemi joined me at a local school where we made balloon animals. The girls were much better than I was, so I was basically regulated to blowing and tying. Moon loved it so much she’s considering a career in the Children’s Entertainment business. Since balloons are about .0001 each, I’m considering being an investor.

Sunday we went to church and listened to testimonies from our team’s recent visit to INDIA. They were on fire and amazingly enough, they all got up on the stage and said JD and I should move there immediately. You had to listen carefully to get that, but I knew what they meant. Afterward, we went with Kathryn and her recovered hubby, and Carolyn and the crew to La Parilla, where everyone ate a great meal, and no one had any wine.

I think someone learned their lesson the first time.

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