Remember when my brother had a blog? It was FAIRLY funny. Then he stopped, but told us all not to worry – he’d post pictures every day. Uh huh. Luckily, he has me to help. I’m always there, picking up his slack. RimFire’s birthday party –
Best present ever – skates. Just because they’re from me doesn’t make it less true.
A zebra folder from AmmoGuy. Wow, very nice.
Yeah, that’s her in the photo with all the RAW wrestling people. We’ll assume it’s photoshopped.
Someone was peeved they couldn’t eat the pizza.
Yummy cake, I think. I only had seven pieces so I can’t say for sure.
Demon bowling.
Bumper cars. They got the hang of it pretty quick. Imagine two kids backing up, then going as fast as they can at each other. Over and over and over.
Obviously one of these girls has spent more time posing for her Charlie Angel’s poster than the other.
Picture all of the above happening, for HOURS, while head-splitting music is roaring in the background. Then empty AmmoGuys wallet. It’s just like being there!
Thanks for sharing the pictures – I love to see them having fun.
Yeah I remember that blog of my brothers vaguely. Of course I also remember when my sister had a blog that she updated daily. Looks like things have changed.