Are you guys still here? I’d completely forgotten that I even had a blog. To be honest, I’ve been kinda nutso. I blame the time change. For the past two nights I’ve fallen asleep at NINE. This is putting a serious dent into my TV binge-watching time. (Have you seen the new Netflix show, The Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt? Hilarious!)
But back to me. So this weekend I went to a BOARD meeting which is where I helped make serious long-term decisions about a local ministry. Yes. I. Did. You need a lot of skill to be involved at this high level like, being holy and nodding at the appropriate times. Not everyone can pull it off.
Monday was a work day and I’m not sure what happened but I was in the WORST mood. Let’s retrace my steps. 1) Took Moon to horseback riding at 8 a.m., 2) Went to gym and rode a bike and lifted weights. 3) Worked 4) Went BACK to gym and did two miles on the elliptical. OH, I see now. EVERYTHING I hate (getting up early, not MOON) in one day.
Tuesday started off as bad because I made the mistake of weighing. I don’t know what I was thinking. I mean, sure I worked out TWICE in one day and had, gluten-free cereal and rice milk for breakfast, 3 boiled eggs for lunch and a salad with salmon, but it’s not like I was DIETING or anything. Of course I can’t lose weight like that! Who eats THREE boiled eggs? Stupid, *&$^%* pig!
Whew. Perhaps the mood still lingers a bit.
The best part of today was that I received some essential oils from my sister. The LAVENDER is supposed to relieve stress. It totally worked. JD was having a bad day of his own and so I chased him around and put lavender on his ears. Laughing at other people really helps lighten the mood, amiright Kittens?
Pets are really good to relieve stress especially a little Yorkie