I didn’t mention it, but I played bridge on Friday with my good friend, Patty. I’ve been trying to play on a Friday at the Ruff-n-Sluff for YEARS, but have been thwarted by a little something I like to call, “parenting”. But now with Moon in Middle School, I can drop her off, play 24 boards and be in the pick-up line in plenty of time.
I had fun, but alas, we didn’t win. Patty stopped me as we were changing tables to ask if everything was alright. She said she’d been worried, because I was SCOWLING, but I assured her that was just my thinking face. She said, “Well, you were scowling when you were winning TOO, so I figured it was fine.”
Note to self: Increase the botox budget.
So this week, I’ve been using ever spare moment to practice bridge online -not the actual PLAYING, but my bridge face. It’s taken hours, but I can finally hold my face still while I play, keeping it the exact same whether I’m winning or going down 4.
Patty is going to be so much happier.
Make that face and Patty will never play bridge again.