Our assignment this week – to make a model of the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Guess which one I did?
The Santa Maria, the largest of the fleet and the one Christopher Columbus sailed?
The Pinta or “painted one”, the fastest of the three ships?
Or the Nina, the smallest, stainless steel ship that was a forerunner of our modern-day submarine?
I’ll give you a hint. Mine took 2 minutes and required a walk to the kitchen by way of my desk. JD’s took THREE HOURS and required a trip to the Dollar Tree and Walmart.
When Rachel and JD began to pack them for show-and-tell, I had to break it to them – it wasn’t actually for “real” school – it was just for US, you know, to LEARN.
I’m not sure who was more disappointed.
I bet Rachel was wondering how to break it you that she didn’t want to take it to school.