Random Stuff That Happened over the Weekend

Friday? I have no idea. Oh, yeah, I took Moon to get an eye exam and some new glasses and it was awesome because who needs to pay the mortgage anyway? Then we went shopping for a few things for school because what are they going to do, send us to the poor house? I had to get her TWO pairs of glasses because the ones she picked out were purple. PURPLE, with swirly things on the side. I felt like she needed an alternative.

Saturday morning started with a scary encounter with a door-to door salesman that turned out to be a sweet, Baylor student selling the equivalent of Encyclopedia’s, but I still made her sit on the porch and give her sales pitch cause killers don’t always look like killers. Also, she wanted $660.00 dollars for what Google provides for free.

AmmoGuy brought baby Allison over for a little bit and I used my time to explain how I was the cool one in the family and that she should just ignore Tania-the-Mad’s attempts to bond as they will only lead to disappointment and toe-pinches. Then I took pictures.

She’s kinda cute.

Saturday afternoon, I took Moon and her BFF to bridge lessons. I sat at a table with the teacher and two other kids, while Moon and J played with another pair of girls. All was going well until I heard J yell, “You’re cheating. That’s cheating. You’re a CHEATER!” That was followed by kids claiming that it “wasn’t a tournament”, and Moon saying, “We’re supposed to PLAY like it’s a tournament!” I think that you can see I’ve done a fine job teaching them the basics.

The teacher decided to give them all a break, and when they came back, she explained that we’d switch up the tables so they could separate. “NO!” said 4 voices in unison. Girls. What are you going do?

Sunday, my friend Kat came over for dinner and while we sat on the couch and talked, my favorite show came on – Naked and Afraid! Kat doesn’t have television and was aghast at the show.

Which is why she only watched one and half episodes and had me text her the rest of the details.

So, what did YOU do?

2 thoughts on “Random Stuff That Happened over the Weekend

  1. 1. Moon NEEDS two pair of glasses! And, BTW, purple goes with everything.

    2. I would never toe pinch Allison, cheek pinch – maybe. She is adorable!

    3. I saw the commercials for Naked and Afraid, I thought it was a prank advertising something else. You actually watch this??? Now I’m afraid.

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