Every morning in INDIA started the same way – with Chai and prayer. I found out that one’s day goes smoother when you start it at peace. And also that I am not as lactose intolerant as I had believed.
I’ve made several attempts at Chai since I’ve been home and am pretty close to the yummy brew I experienced in INDIA. Here’s the recipe if you’re feeling up to it –
2 cups water
1 cup milk
1/4 tsp ginger
2 tsp black tea
2.5 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp cardamom
Bring water, milk and ginger to a boil then remove from heat. Add sugar, tea and cardamom. Let sit for 3 – 6 minutes, then using a strainer, pour into a teapot.
Drink slowly, savoring the spices. Pretend you’re cool and are hanging in INDIA. Feel superior. Realize that’s not a Kingdom value and pray for forgiveness. Receive the grace. Ahhh, PEACE. Works every time.
Sounds good but you could pray with coffee, milk, juice or tea.
I’ll make you some while you’re here, then we’ll see what you say.
I love love love you!! and your AMAZING tea!! M on the Mountain, you need to try it!! oh and btw… I’ve gotten so many compliments on the earrings!! What a surprise!! and I completely agree… it would be super for a morning prayer time.
Hugs <3