Years ago I considered myself ANTI-fur. Who would wear a dead animal? That’s just gross. Then one day I was walking through Nieman Marcus and I saw this BEAUTIFUL fur coat, in my size, on sale for next to nothing. I tried it on and suddenly, it hit me – the animal was already DEAD. It wasn’t like I was going to kill it before I wore it. It would be a waste to just leave it there. It would be like the poor animal died for nothing!
But then I came to my senses and put it back because wearing fur is BAD. Plus it got white, fuzzy stuff all over my pants.
Anyway, I’ve also been ANTI-Kindle/Nook/I-pad for reading. I love books! The smell of books, the feel of books, the covers, the back blurbs, the ESSENCE of books. And then.
My husband and I were at Barnes and Noble and the sales guy started talking about 1500 books in one device and how easy it is to download them and, “Look, here’s The Girl Who Kicked a Hornet’s Nest for 9.99, HALF OFF the hardback price!’ JD insisted I get it since our anniversary is in a few days. It would have been RUDE not to buy it. Think of all the trees I just SAVED!
See, I SAVE trees, I don’t wear expensive fur coats!
There are no statues of people in Zollicoffer, but should the town ever decide to erect one, I think we all know a great candidate.
What about a author who wants someone to buy her book? Does she get the same money for a download?
Think about all the discarded downloaded e-books that will never find their way into a public library now…. or a yard sale