Wow, this is my 200th blog post. Obviously I have a lot of very important things to say about life. And vodka. Today’s enlightened post, sure to bring joy world wide is –
Why We Yard Sale.
1. We’re nosy.
Yard Sales give us an excuse to go into stranger’s home and judge them buy their things, see how they decorate, and check out their passions and interests. The folks from today had great affection for Precious Moment’s statues, frogs, and egg cups. Fascinating.
2. We find good deals.
Shoes. A dollar. ONE DOLLAR. Shoes. Need I say more?
3. Occasionally, we score Big.
The tricycle on the left was purchased by my mother. My sweet, sweet mother, for 18 dollars. The tricycle on the right is currently for sale online. For TWELVE HUNDRED dollars. I hope she enjoys it. Just because I drove her to the sale, carried it to the truck in the rain, housed it for two nights, and photographed it during my birthday weekend, there’s no reason to will it to me.
Just kidding, it’s totally mine. Suck on that, Sister!
Sweet, sweet, naive sister. I’m sure that if Mom’s only GREAT Granddaughter wasn’t in need of a tricycle AND having her 1st Birthday very, very shortly it would of course go to you…..NOT