Novel Thoughts

Most of you know I’ve written a book and that last year I signed with an agent – from NEW YORK CITY. After signing me, she sent a list of suggested revisions, and I’ve spent the last few months reworking my story. I sent it off to her a couple of weeks ago and this is her response.

Hi Lisa,

Just wanted to let you know that I finally have responses from all the readers and it’s unanimous – your book is a total joy to read!  Everyone has really enjoyed it.  There are some places that need a little tightening, and some questions that I have for you, but I think you’ve done the major re-work.  So, many thanks for the good, hard work you’ve done so far.  I will have a letter detailing the remaining issues for you by end of next week.


My book is a total joy to read! Now if it were only a total joy to rewrite.

So now you know what’s happening in the exciting life of an unpublished author. Your day should go much smoother with that knowledge.

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