Today, I resolve to:
1. Get up early and have my quiet time with the Lord, with just a few interruptions where I use the Tivo to record GMA.
2. Work out with my twenty minute video – The 30 day shred – for 10 minutes.
3. Finish all my work so I can take MoonPie to the pool, then go anyway when I don’t get it all done.
4. Think negative things about my body when I’m putting on my bathing suit.
5. Put on sunscreen once, allowing my shoulders to burn.
6. Complain about how messy my house is, while doing nothing to change it.
Whew. I love a day that goes according to plan.
You forgot the estate sale you were going to visit
I do number 4 everyday! Heck I have to work in a suit! And strangley, I like my job…