Seriously. This has got to be the easiest dessert in the history of easy desserts. Which begs the question – where has it been all my life??? I don’t even know the name of this recipe. One of my bridge ladies made it last night and it was delish! I’m calling it Milk Sop Cookie Cake but I’m pretty sure that’s not it’s official name.
First, the cast of characters –
Two packages of Chips Ahoy chocolate-chip cookies, a large container of Cool Whip and some milk. That’s it.
Dip the cookies in the milk and put them in an ungreased pan. Don’t worry about how long, is it a soak or a dip, blah, blah, blah. Just dip them, in and out, and put them in the pan.
Then cover the layer with Cool Whip. Then start a SECOND layer of dipped cookies.
Then cover THAT with Cool Whip. Do you see where this is going? All in all, you put in three layers of dipped cookies, covered with three layers of Cool Whip.
And then you take a few UNdipped cookies, crumble them in your hand and sprinkle on top. Voila! You’re done. I think. I didn’t ask if you were supposed to chill it, but I stuck it in the fridge while I cooked dinner. I figured it would give the cookies a couple of extra minutes to get really saturated with milk.
Serve it up! Super easy, really yummy, and done in ten minutes. It tasted a little like a cookie mousse. Which may be a better name than Milk Sop Cookie Cake. Feel free to use either when you serve it to your friends.
Moron Test Grade – A+ (Hat tip to Vicki for the recipe)
Is this on your diet? You can make it next week.