Moron-proof Hot Corn Dip

Yes, I’m still in the mountains with the girls – no men, no children, and no trump. HAHAHAHA. That’s a bridge thing – no trump – get it? ANYWAY, the ladies have learned over the last EIGHT years, that I’m not a very good cook. So while everyone else plans a meal, I’m usually regulated to bringing condiments. But I do have ONE recipe that they request every, single year.


It begins with one can of regular corn, and one of Mexican corn. Drain and pour in a bowl.


Add in 1 cup of parmesan cheese.


And 2 cups of pepper jack. Do you notice the piece of plastic I found in my grated pile? Can you digest plastic? It is not my fault they don’t sell GRATED pepper jack in the store. I was inconvenienced enough, without having to take off the wrapper. Geesh.


Add 1 cup of mayo, and mix well.


Cook at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Then out will pop a bowl of cheesy, bubbly deliciousness, so good you’re friends will proclaim you Appetizer Queen and insist that you never cook an actual meal again. It’s my signature recipe. Serve with corn chips.

I’ll be back from my weekend tonight. So tomorrow I’ll have lots of pictures and stories revolving around BRIDGE. I expect my hits will skyrocket.

4 thoughts on “Moron-proof Hot Corn Dip

  1. Ellery is on the mountain having fun while you are while you are locked away in a cabin with 3 other biddies.

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