Sorry that this blog is short, Kittens, but my life is a non-stop party right now. It started at 4:30 a.m. when I got up to find my dog in an indelicate situation that required I replace all of her bedding and give her a bath. Fun way to start the day! Then it was off to the screened-in-porch to write, back to the office to work, then out to pick up Moon’s bff for a day of basketball and bridge!
Of course I was figuring that while they were playing, I’d get some work done and my house cleaned, but it was not to be. I’m trying to ENGAGE more, so every time Moon asked if I’d shoot hoops or throw the softball I said YES. Because it was 112 degrees today, the girls decided that in addition to our Summer Camp fun, we should go to the lake. And in an effort to ENGAGE more, I said YES. Which is how I found myself at Lake Allatoona with a couple of girls and a van full of sand.
Normally I’d make JD go, but he was busy proving his love to me by working on the lawn, the pool, and a raised bed for veggies! I can’t help it that my love language is service, but it is. And I feel very loved for the time being but tomorrow is still up for debate.
After the lake, we went to WalMart, home to eat, played 4 boards of bridge, and THEN I finally got around to finishing my work. If you think that I have it easy, spending my days at the lake, trust me, tomorrow will make up for it. I have meetings at 9:30, 10:30, 1:00 and 7:00 p.m. Apparently no one has heard of the internet. Or conference calling.
So now I’m going to try and sneak off to bed before anyone else tries to ENGAGE with me. Especially Gitzo.