It’s all Electives, All the Time

My daughter is the luckiest girl in the world. Seriously, why I’m sitting on the couch and she’s not massaging my feet is beyond me. When I was 12, almost 13 years old, the highlight of my day was getting home and finding a potpie in the oven. My schedule went like this – 7 a.m. get up, 7:30 wait in the cold for the bus, 8:30 till 3:00 schoolwork, followed by a potpie, homework, dinner, then maybe, if I was lucky my parents would let me stay up and watch Dallas with them before bed. For fun I ran outside on the gravel in my bare feet and hoped a cousin would drop by.

Yesterday, Rachel got up, went to the horse barn, caught ponies, took a lesson, came home and went to a skating party. Today, she slept in, went to volleyball, had a guitar lesson, then spent a couple of hours practicing her math skills through a little exercise I like to call “bridge”.

It’s a good thing we’ve gotten all of the fun out of the way, because later this week we’re going to have a tough class in economics and a Masters level course in gerontology. My mom and Aunt Fay are coming to yard sale. That counts, right?

One thought on “It’s all Electives, All the Time

  1. It will not be all play I am bring questions for a Civic test for Rachel. I am going to study Civics with her.

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