Important news about Angelina Jolie

So there’s this blogger, this FAMOUS blogger, who hangs out in Hollywood and writes ugly gossip about celebrities. About a year ago I read that the ad revenue from his site is over $100,000 dollars a MONTH. A few weeks ago, there was a rumor that he’d been offered $10 million dollars for his blog. $10 million dollars for writing snarky gossip about celebrities. He can get that much because of all the “hits” on his website. Sometimes he gets over a million in one day! I guess a lot of people want to hear about celebrities.

Every now and then I’ll get the urge to look over MY stats, to find out how people find there way to this blog. I can see what “keywords” they searched to find this site. Without fail, the number one post that brings people here is a lame one I did about Fergie and the NFL. It might have something to do with the fact Fergie is posing in her underwear.

I apologize for that. I’ve learned my lesson. No amount of money is worth me writing UGLY things about celebrities, or posting photos of them in their lingerie.

I will only post NICE things about fully-CLOTHED celebrities.

This is going to be awesome. I’m pretty sure we can almost live on $100,000 per month.

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