Thanks to my brother and my sister-in-law, JD and I actually went somewhere cool. They invited us to a Christian music fest – headlined by Third Day.
We might have gotten there a little early.
What are YOU blogging about? I’M blogging about this! No, I’M blogging about this. Not that we were being petty at a Christian concert. HE was being petty. I was being long suffering and meek.
Sunset at the amphitheatre. Because I’m OLD and haven’t been to a concert in 7 years, I told my babysitter it would probably last 2 hours, 3 tops. I was a bit off.
We were a also a bit cold, a bit wet, and seemingly a bit sleepy.
But it was worth it. Third Day hit the stage and they were awesome. For the twenty minutes that I let everyone watch them before making them leave so we could pick up the Moonpie before midnight. I don’t think they liked it, but that’s one of the advantages of being at a CHRISTIAN concert. No cuss fights.
If you are a heathen and don’t know who Third Day is – here’s one of my favorite songs of the night.
Good, huh? And you didn’t have to lie to a babysitter to see them.