Happy Thanksgiving

I have so many things to be thankful for – here’s just a few, in no particular order.

1. A great season of life – no one’s in the hospital, we’re not awaiting test results, no court cases pending – life is good!

2. My husband is awesome. Really, he’s awesome.

3. I’m a mom! My daughter rocks my world and I can’t really remember life before her. What did I DO all day?

4. Lots of great family. I thought I hit the lottery with MY family, then I met my husband’s side. I’m like those people that buy TWO lottery tickets and win both times.

5. A job that allows me to work from anywhere. So I can spend my morning watching this –

6. In-laws who live at the beach. See above.

7. My Life Transformation Group – my watchmen on the wall – who keep me straight!

8. I got to go to India. Did you hear I went to INDIA? It was awesome. I want to go back.

9. I have an agent. Someone read my book and believes she can SELL it. I’m thankful there are people out there who will believe anything.

10. Grace. I’m thankful for GRACE – from my Lord, my family, my friends. I need a lot of it and they give it.

Thank YOU for being part of my life! Happy Thanksgiving.

3 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving

  1. What? A top 10 list with no mention of bridge? I starting to wonder if you really are serious about it…

    I know, all the other things on the list are really nice, wholesome, wonderful pieces of life. But seriously, no mention of bridge?

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