Guilty Pleasures

If violence on television makes you desensitized to it, I’m home free if anyone ever gets into a rumble in front of me. I don’t know when my taste turned to the creepy, but it’s fully there now. Okay, I don’t JUST watch creepy and violent, also stupid. Here’s a typical week of television for the adults in my house.

Monday: The Following, Continuum, Being Human, Bunheads

Tuesday: Smash

Wednesday: Dallas, Nashville, Duck Dynasty

Thursday: Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, Project Runway

Friday: Shark Tank, Grimm


Sunday: The Bible, Celebrity Apprentice, Once Upon a Time, Revenge

Since I don’t have anything on Saturday, I have to use it as catch-up time, or find something on Netflix. JD and I just borrowed the 2nd season of Game of Thrones, but we like to watch that first thing in the morning before we get to busy with stupid things like work or housecleaning.

This list doesn’t include the hours of Big Bang Theory I’m forced to watch, or all of the Disney Programming that goes on. It takes a lot of planning to fit it all in, but I manage. And by “manage”, I mean my floor has an inch of dog hair on it.

Priorities, people, priorities!

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