What can I tell you? This has been a CRAZY week. Work/school/Valentines have undone us. If my mother loved me at all, she’d come clean this mess. And the one in the spare bedroom. And do the laundry. Why, Mom? Why don’t you love me??
Did I mention there’s a yard sale this weekend? Not that you can go, you’ll be busy cleaning, but I promise to keep a look out for anything you might like.
Be there in a few minutes.
While I was packing to come down – I had another idea
Teach Rachel to pick up and JD to do laundry – to teach them this you must set the example by doing.
You’re blaming the mess on a crazy week that involved work/school/valentines?
Are you saying work/school is out of the ordinary? Seems like you should deal with that every week, like everyone else that has kids.
And, you posted last Saturday morning that you had done the valentines.
How crazy could this week have possibly been?
Ammo Guy, and M on the Mountain – you are inviting me to come over and take pictures of your houses and post the pictures. Obviously, we could all learn from your examples.
Hey! Liked your priority list! I can see you don’t have grand children yet!
But, liked the “husband” number…………
Come on over. The cleaning lady was here on Tuesday.Our place is spotless.
Do as I say not as I do – my is my motto.
Don’t forget the Aunts…they could have that place spotless in no time…