Errand Girl

Here’s the deal, I HATE running errands. I pretty much hate anything that requires me to get off the couch. Hello, Couch Potato? You’re moving too fast, slow down! Since my husband loves to get out of the house, (wait..what?) I usually just ask him – “on your way home could you stop and…” – and he does. But since he decided to totally inconvience me by booking a JOB on a day when I needed to shop retail, I hefted myself into a vertical position and ventured forth. Forth in a BIG way. Here’s a rundown of where the MoonPie and I went –

Bank, Ann Taylor Loft, Coldwater Creek, Swoozy’s, Staples, *Retirement Community, Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, **Olive Garden, Consignment Shop, ***Marshall’s (yes, I went BACK), Subway, Goodwill, Publix, ****Target, ***Ross, ***Kaufman Tires, Jeanette’s House (to pick up the MoonPie.)

* Where I hit a curb and had my tire explode.

**Ran into some friends and they invited the MoonPie to lunch while I shopped.

***Where I made purchases ( a Ralph Lauren top and Michael Kors pants. From 2007.)

**** Where I found a tick on my head.

I did FINALLY find something to wear and I learned two important things – road hazard warranty on tires is a very smart idea and I have ticks. Oh, make that three things – my husband is a saint. Good to know.

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