Here’s a little trick I used today. While on the phone with my sister-in-law, I said, “Hey, the girls just told me they want to have a sleep-over.” When she said okay, I quickly added “AT YOUR HOUSE”.
Before sending them home, I made sure they had plenty of cookies and ice-cream. Kids are notorious for wanting to come home at bedtime. This way, there won’t BE any bedtime.
Next is dinner. Nothing says “romance” like a strip mall.
Hey look, Japanese tea. I might as well try it.
Sushi, YUMOLA. We ordered off the dollar menu. Our bill was $34.00 dollars.
Cute movie! It was different, quirky, and kept me guessing. It used a couple of spicy words, but it IS PG-13. I’ll find a 13 year old later to explain them to me.
Coffee at the bookstore? Is this a dream date or what??
It’s been a great evening, but it’s not over YET! We’ve got the house to ourselves and the night is young. Just one more thing, before calling it a night. That’s right – Late Night with Conan O’Brian! We may even stay up long enough to see the whole thing.