
EVERYTHING is about competition now. Seriously, remember when we watched TV to see football, baseball, maybe the occasional tennis match? Now it’s Cupcake Wars, Project Runway, Man vs. Food, Dancing with the Stars, Ice Skating with the Stars, The Apprentice and The Biggest Loser to name a a few. I am pretty sure I could win The Apprentice if I felt like it.

Seriously. Does everyone feel that way?

I took a break from the grindstone and went with my mother-in-law to The Lodge. She was teaching a bridge lesson on stripping the hand and end plays – VERY interesting stuff – and I wanted to be supportive. You know Mother-in-laws. It’s not like I NEEDED a bridge lesson. Hello? Didn’t I just win 1st in C ? Yes, yes I did! Afterwards, I came home, did more WORK, and then went to the bridge club to kibitz.  All that competition got us in the mood to come home and watch Dancing with the Stars.


As a C player who’s playing in the OPEN game tomorrow, I might be pulling for the under-dog.

Speaking of competition, in this years Thanksgiving Wars, I’ve already eaten TWO Ranitidine and thrown up once. Thanksgiving 1, Me 0.

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