Listen, yesterday? I can’t even.
At one point I looked in the mirror and noted that I was wearing a blue, polyester vintage bathing suit with a red, Coca-Cola shirt, a pair of purple and orange running shorts and crocks – one blue and one brown. I have no explanation for why I was wearing that particular ensemble, or why hours after seeing myself in the mirror I was still wearing it.
The day just kinda got away from me. Luckily I was able to pull it together in time to head to the bridge club where Patty and I tied for 2nd. We would have come in first but some other pair must have done something stupid and lucked into the top spot. Not that I’m bitter.
Today I jumped up and ran to the liquor store because I had a meeting with my writing friends and I wanted to pop an actual bottle of champagne to celebrate the whole “I got a book contract” thing. I also brought along some orange juice so we all sat around drinking mimosa’s and discussing books, writing and pretty much being fancy and high-falutin. Well, as much as you can be drinking champagne out of a red, Solo cup.
While I was out being a serious writer, JD mowed the front and back yard, THEN cleaned my horrible, crazy, chaotic office! Did I mention my love language is Acts of Service? He speaks my love language! At least once a month. As soon as I figure out what his is, I’ll do my best to speak it back. I’m hoping it has something to do with watching television.
Tomorrow I’m taking Moon and heading to Virginia. We’re going to help my mother and Tania-the-Mad put on a vintage fashion show. Maybe I’ll buy another bathing suit, one that matches my purple and orange shorts. I’ll also be taking some champagne. Not for me, but if I’m going to walk around in a bathing suit, everybody else better be drunk.
I will bring my sunglasses so you won’t blind me. If I brought my bathing suit you would need a blindfold.
Better bring two bottles! M is going to wear on too.
“People shop for a bathing suit with more care than they do a husband or wife. The rules are the same. Look for something you’ll feel comfortable wearing. Allow for room to grow.”
-Erma Bombeck