Is it me or does school start way to early? 7:50 a.m., really? Normally, I wouldn’t complain, because normally, JD is the one to take Moon to school. Unfortunately, today he had to be across town by 5:30 a.m. so I had to do it. Yes, he often inconveniences me like this, but what can you do? Tuesday, he also had the gall to schedule an early morning job, but I dealt with it by sleeping in, and taking Moon to school an hour late. Sorry, Principal Peterson, but you can’t expect us to get dressed AND go through the Burger King drive-thru, and still make it before eight.
I think school is all together too difficult anyway. Poor Moon had a book report due today and she hadn’t even read the book! How is that supposed to work? I guess some would say she should have read it since the assignment was given a week ago, but how is she supposed to read a book AND take tennis lessons four nights a week so we can crush Helen? Maybe I should send a note to the teacher explaining things. Or maybe a link to this blog. It’s obvious she doesn’t understand the life of a 4th grader.
But then again, who does? Moon came home yesterday complaining that a boy told her friend Katie, that “Those pants make your butt look fat.” Yeah, 4th grade and he’s already going there. I considered marching up to the school today and giving him a piece of my mind, but then I remembered the size of MY butt and thought maybe we’d just pray for him instead.
I’ve reminded Moon three times this week that I told her if she’d learn to play bridge we’d home-school. And by “home-school”, I mean play bridge every day at the Ruff-n-Sluff. Hey, those people don’t care about the size of your butt. But play the wrong card, and they’ll make Helen look like Mother Theresa.
We may have to send Moon Pie to a boarding school to get her away from the Bridge Crazed Mom.