I had a post written and ready on Friday but I made the mistake of letting JD read it first and he said it sounded a tad bitter. Oh. So I tried to rewrite it with 50% less sour, but I gave up. The truth was I wasn’t FEELING bitter, I was just telling the truth. Basically, I just said that having low expectations is a good thing and one of the reasons I like going home to Tennessee. No one there ever asks me if I’m eating clean, if my cookies are gluten-free, or what colleges my 11 year old has applied to. Life is tougher in the big city, that was all I was sayin’. See, perfectly sweet.
Now that that’s out of the way, here’s the weekend update. Spoiler alert- not much happened. Friday night we had a nice, quiet night at home for once and I went to bed early. I’m not sure what the other folks in my house did, but they didn’t wake me so it must have been fine. Saturday, I cleaned a little and watched television a lot, and hung out with Baby Alison and generally just enjoyed the day. Kat came by and we went shopping at WalMart and I’m not exaggerating when I tell you we could have been killed. Luckily we made it home alive and then I put on my pj’s and went to bed. Shopping will take it out of you!
Sunday I got up and mopped the floor because it was our first Drop-In Sunday ala my great-grandparents. JD made chicken-torilla soup, and I did NOT make biscuits. The good news is that we had three people drop in and relax with us. The bad news is that not one of them played bridge. I’m thinking of making it a prerequisite for next time. Daddy Bob didn’t let people just sit and eat; there were cards to be played!
Sunday night we went to church for our annual Family Christmas Party. There was food, music and fun family photos.
Our church family, obviously, since our daughter refused to be seen with us. I might have been insulted but my expectations with a tween are ALWAYS low. Expecting less is a good habit to cultivate.
Especially for those of you who read this blog.
Was that picture taken with a potato?
Daddy Bob didn’t play Bridge he played Pitch. I think they were coming for that good food you promised them not the cards.