Somehow I managed to bet a coworker that Tennessee would beat Georgia. I guess I got all caught up in the whole Rocky Top hype that’s been going on over on Facebook. I blame my cousin Ginger. Anyway, this year was not their year and so I was on the hook for lunch. No big deal, there’s a sweet Mexican place around the corner. But NO. Evidently, this was a high stakes bet, which is why I ended up taking a coworker AND his friend to Houston’s. You know, where a sandwich is 16.00 dollars and doesn’t include fries? Thanks Butch Jones, I owe you one.
Normally I wouldn’t mind spending a little extra on a friend, but I made the mistake of sending my husband and daughter to the dentist. JD would be better off at this point to just get a mouth transplant, and Moon needs FOUR baby teeth pulled. She’s hanging on to those like they’re made of gold. We need to get the baby teeth out so that we can get her into braces which is awesome because she needs straight teeth and we can just live off kudzu salad.
Spend the money on dental work doesn’t really scare me; I’ve got a plan!
Next year, we’re going to be AWESOME.