A Day in the Life

We established earlier that when my mother was a child, she used to sit out in a field and play with onion blades. I’m not sure why, but I have a mental picture of a group of children driving an outcast to the edge of town with sticks and rocks.  When I was young, I had two choices when it came to playing – outside or inside. Usually I’d choose “outside” and then go play with my friends, Dirt Pile and Mr. Pebble, while my mother did who knows what. I’m guessing it involved chocolate and soap operas.

My daughter has a slightly different routine. Here’s a glimpse into her day – today.

6 a.m. MUST GET UP NOW and play with friend who spent the night. It cannot wait.

6:05  Wake mom and let her know we’re up and we’re going to play. She NEEDS to know.

8:00 Cousin Brooke arrives, more playing follows.

10:00 Go see  children’s production of The Princess and the Pea.


10:05 Try not to look overjoyed.

12:00 Swim with friends.


12:00 – 3:00 Eat and swim and eat and swim. Repeat.

3:30 – Horseback riding


4:30 Did I mention swimming?


Play exhaustively until dinner.


6:30 p.m. Dinner and a movie in bed.

MY day went something like this – drive, pick up towels, fix lunch, pick up towels, drive, pick up towels.

It is a sad, sad day when you realize you MAY not be smarter than your mother after all.

One thought on “A Day in the Life

  1. I have waited a long time to hear those words. MY daughter is getting smarter everyday.

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