1. Moonpie and I are leaving Thursday for ALASKA. We’re headed to Juneau to see Alaska Ashleigh and the gang – 10+ hours of travel with a 10 year old. I’m pretty sure my adventures with Mantamy prepared me for whatever comes my way.
2. Here’s a tip in case you’re a Vietnamese hair-removal specialist. Keep the talking to a minimum. Stay away from comments like “It’s been a while huh?, Whew, that looks MUCH better!, and Do you want your lip done, too?”
3. I played bridge last night and Patty and I came in 2nd! Whoo hoo. Vicky, playing with a handsome stranger, came in FIRST. That’s a double whammy, so I’m guessing she’ll never play with us again. I was a little depressed when I saw a friend’s name on the wall. Last year we played together at the Non-Life Master tournament (under 300 points) and won, but now she’s ineligible. She’s a LIFE MASTER. Two years ago, Dan O. played his last NLM. So this August should be MY last NLM tournament. Only 244 points to go! It could happen.
4. I watched the awesome Baby Alison today. JD took some cute pictures which you can’t see because we are MUCH too busy watching Revenge to get them posted. If you watch Revenge, you know what I mean!
5. Nothing says healthy glow quite like this: