10 bottles of dressing, 2 candy bars and 2 apples. Random I know, but 48 CENTS.
Because my mother always complains that the coupon posts do her no good – I’m putting in a link to all the sales Food Lion is supposed to be having this week. (Food Lion is the chain in Zollicoffer). Click Here. It lists Vitamin Water on sale for 1 dollar. And HERE is a coupon for 50 cents off. Now MOST stores around here double coupons – so if Food Lion does – it’s free. I bought about 37 of these a while back. FREE. Ignore the “Ralphs” on the coupon – it’s just to get you to shop there. It’s a manufacturer’s coupon and good anywhere Vitamin Water is sold.You can print as many as you want, but it expires June 1.
This post is completly to help the 23 people that live in Zollicoffer. And all I could come up with in 2 minutes. Cause I’m going to the movies.
And YES I know there’s a strange widget thing on the right side, and that things don’t necessarily line up. But the comments are NOW working, so feel free to vent. All 23 of you.