I’m amazed at how many people were SURPRISED that my guests had a good time this weekend. Hello? They were at MY house.
KarenK and Gingerbread showed up at midnight on Saturday with 16 year old CodeY in tow. Most of my guests tend to get here before daybreak, but whatever floats your boat. Gingerbread said it rained on them the whole way so she was forced, by law, to drive like a centenarian. Two out of three of us stayed up to greet them, show them where the bedroom was, and leave them standing in the hallway with their bags because, OMG it’s late.
Sunday morning, I got up and went to church because I’m holy and was scheduled to work in the nursery, but mostly that second one. By the time I got home, JD had Moon’s DragonCon costume almost finished, and CodeY was awake, which for a 16 year old was a big deal. The cousins were walking around in the PJ’s because they didn’t have to be at their event until 4 p.m. They were probably also hungover. I base this entirely on the fact that they were out until midnight and we know anyone who stays out that late can be up to no good.
Me and the DragonCon group drove to the perimeter and got on PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION because we’re fearless and also, cheap. The kids had never ridden THE SUBWAY so they thought it was cool and no one mugged us, so that was an extra bonus. Once we got to DragonCon, Moon was thrilled with all of the Star Wars people, and CodeY was happy to see so many gamers and people dressed up like their favorite anime character. Anime is Japanese for “cartoon”, which I totally knew.
Meanwhile, the cousins were living life like a Kardashian in their fancy SUITE at the NASCAR race.
They had cushioned seats, A/C, a great view and clean bathrooms! So except for that part about the bathroom, they could have saved their money and watched the race from my couch.
We got home from DragonCon at 11 pm, while the crazy cousins didn’t make an appearance until TWO O’CLOCK in the morning. Apparently they were held up by some “traffic”. And by “traffic” I’m sure they meant “EXCESSIVE DRINKING”. Despite their penchant for trouble, I’m kind of hoping they come back next year.
Someone has to bring CodeY.