12,000 Calorie Day

I woke up this morning late. It was 7:30 a.m. which normally wouldn’t be a big deal, but this week is Conference Week at Moon’s school and we were supposed to be at her school by 8:20. I didn’t have time to shower, so I threw on some yoga pants, a t-shirt from my local gym, and a baseball cap. Basically, I wore a costume. JD said a towel around my shoulders was a bridge too far, so I just went a water bottle and headphones. If her teacher wondered why someone working out so much was still so fat, she hid it well.

Moon got a very nice report card, and even better, one of the teachers commented that she was “one of the sweetest girls in 6th grade”. JD and I had already decided we were going to make a big deal out of her making the honor roll, you know, in hopes that she might make it a habit, but with the addition of the “sweetest” comment, we went all out. And by “all out”, I mean we went to WalMart. We got her a Google play card, a cake with Star Wars on it, went home and WATCHED Star Wars, then went out to her favorite, O’Charley’s where we let her have all the rolls.

I think we really showed her how proud we are of her, and I believe she’ll go to school and continue to be focused. Well, not tomorrow because she’s had a stomach ache for the last two hours, but Wednesday, Thursday at the latest.

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