Once upon a time…


a lovely young lady (with exceptionally large accessories) decided that she could not live without being married to a dashing young man with a great smile.


and so she did. *And 3 kids, 9 dogs, and 50 years later – it’s come to this.


My mom actually dated a few other people before she settled on my dad. I used to make fun of one of them. Mainly because his nickname involved his weight and he sold beer out of his garage. But then I dated a few boys myself and gave her ammunition. It’s weird to think that if they had NOT decided to marry – none of us would be here. This awesome, brilliant, completely normal family would not exist! I think the whole world owes my mom and dad a huge THANK YOU!


(*Congrats to Joseph – “3 kids, 9 dogs, and 50 years later it’s come to this” was the winning title.)

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